Welcome to the Creative Wealth Community

Creating the new world starts with you

Community-launched basic income

Hello! I’m Zachary, the founder of the Creative Wealth Community. Reading this page is not a requirement for joining the community. So, if you prefer diving into the action, just click the join button above (it's free!). But if you want to read more about our philosophy, please read on. 

I believe we all have an innate understanding of what we need to be doing on this planet. It’s challenging to say it better than Buckminster Fuller does, so I would like to start with three of his quotes.

The Things to do are: the things that need doing, that you see need to be done, and that no one else seems to see need to be done. Then you will conceive your own way of doing that which needs to be done — that no one else has told you to do or how to do it. This will bring out the real you that often gets buried inside a character that has acquired a superficial array of behaviors induced or imposed by others on the individual.”

We must do away with the absolutely specious notion that everybody has to earn a living. It is a fact today that one in ten thousand of us can make a technological breakthrough capable of supporting all the rest. The youth of today are absolutely right in recognizing this nonsense of earning a living. We keep inventing jobs because of this false idea that everybody has to be employed at some kind of drudgery because, according to Malthusian-Darwinian theory, he must justify his right to exist. So we have inspectors of inspectors and people making instruments for inspectors to inspect inspectors. The true business of people should be to go back to school and think about whatever it was they were thinking about before somebody came along and told them they had to earn a living.

“I am convinced all of humanity is born with more gifts than we know. Most are born geniuses and just get de-geniused rapidly.”

These three quotes truly do sum up the core of my thinking. Our system forces us to do what other people tell us to do instead of providing us the support to do what we see that needs doing. This causes us to turn our eyes and our talents away from the problems in front of us. We justify not doing the things that naturally call to us for the sake of making the money we need to survive.

I want to create a world in which each individual has the freedom to discern what is theirs to do. I want to create a world where basic survival is not in question. In this world, I believe that we will give freely, innovate frequently, and treat each other with greater respect.

The first step that I see is unconditional community-launched basic income.

You have probably heard about basic income. Universal basic income was Andrew Yang’s central policy in the 2020 democratic presidential primary. I am a thousand percent in favor of universal basic income, but it will not be a reality tomorrow. I know that I and many other people want basic incomes well before a policy like this could be passed into law.

The proposed benefits of receiving a basic income include:

  • better decisions

  • financial stability

  • debt reduction

  • reduced stress

  • improved self-worth

  • improved quality of life

  • more time to connect with loved ones

  • freedom to make decisions that aren’t based in scarcity thinking

  • freedom to pursue our passions independently of monetizing them

  • freedom to change direction with our employment and pursue new opportunities

  • freedom to contribute to efforts that don’t offer a financial reward (charity, volunteering, etc.)

  • freedom to start something (a project, a business, etc.) that may not otherwise be financially viable

There are many basic income trials and experiments popping up around the world. These are fantastic efforts, and I applaud them all. But we are still lacking something essential: the ability for people to create a basic income for themselves or someone they know.

To be fair, we don’t actually lack the ability to do this. We have several platforms that allow us to give money to each other on a monthly basis. Ko-fi is my preferred one right now; Patreon is one that’s more recognized. We just lack the social right to do this. Can you believe that? We live in a world that requires money for survival, and I only know of one other person who has crowdfunded a basic income for themselves. (I’m speaking of Scott Santens, one of the most prolific UBI advocates.)

This is what we’re here to change. This is what we’ve already started changing. 

The idea of community-launched basic income is fairly simple: we leverage the resources and connections of a community to provide a basic income for an individual. I say “launched” instead of “funded” or “sourced” because I think we can stay open to funding sources beyond crowdfunding, especially as the movement gains speed. So, the idea becomes that a community is invested in “launching” an individual’s basic financial support, even if that support comes from another source in the future.

It’s such a simple idea. Why are we not already doing this? Why isn’t everyone launching basic incomes for themselves and each other? I believe we are not doing this because we live in an economy of withholding. We live in a world where we are only allowed to be valued by business, and we are discouraged from valuing each other, even when the greatest value in our lives is derived from our closest human connections. We are doing this because we have been told that people will not contribute to society if there is not the constant threat of starvation; at the same time, we blatantly ignore the ways that people are already contributing to society and the ways they would love to contribute to society that may be egregiously more valuable than what they are doing for a paycheck. Of course, many people are doing absolutely amazing things for a paycheck, and I would like to celebrate and champion the jobs that people want to have. The jobs that frustrate me to no end are the ones that David Graeber eloquently calls “bullshit jobs.” In his words, “A bullshit job is a form of paid employment that is so completely pointless, unnecessary, or pernicious that even the employee cannot justify its existence even though, as part of the conditions of employment, the employee feels obliged to pretend that is not the case.” I am reminded of Buckminster Fuller talking about “inspectors of inspectors.”

I propose we start buying each other out of the bullshit. I propose we trust each other to use our attention and our gifts to benefit each other. I know that I personally trust you far more than I trust the way we currently have our system set up. 

Thankfully, with the help and trust of many incredible people, we have already achieved the first step. 

I asked my friends Sam and Luci Williams if they would be the first recipients of community-launched basic income. It seemed important to me to have one solid example, and I truly think they may be the best people in the world to be this. They are global community leaders, spiritual way-showers, highly talented touring musicians and sound healers, and simply amazing people. Our goal was to launch a joint unconditional income for Luci and Sam of $2,000/month ($1,000 each). We have now surpassed this goal. They are receiving $2,403 a month!

Here is a recording of me and Sathvik Vasam (our director of coaching) interviewing Sam and Luci about their unconditional income. I would love for you to watch it. You’ll get a feel for the amazing energy that Sam and Luci bring, and I think it will inspire you to see the possibilities that come with this kind of income. (By the way, please ignore the AI generated highlight at the bottom of the video. We do not say anything in the video about a monthly donation of $403 a month 😃 Not that we’ll stop you from giving that of course 😉) 


The following is a list that Sam and Luci put together for themselves at the beginning of this initiative to build excitement. I asked them if I could share it publicly here because I want to give people a candid look at the beautiful souls that they are. I also decided to leave it up so that you can see (if you watch the interview) how many of these things they have already created or started creating in real, tangible ways. 


  • Allows us to dream a new world into being, better systems, better ways to all live happier lives

  • Supports us to try new ways of living and seeing how they work, implementing these ideas/structures and learning more now

  • Frees up mental space to be able to create more easily, freely, quickly (rather than thinking how do we make money, we can put that creativity to some of the inspirations we are excited to share)

  • Allows us to begin CREATING what we’re inspired to create NOW:

Things we’re inspired to create:

  • New ways to EDUCATE children and adults

    • Butterfly School, learn about and create a new school centered around love-based learning

    • Adult Unschooling program, helping adults unwind from authoritarian schooling

  • New ways to connect with OUR FOOD in a more healthy and sustainable way

    • Grow our own food and share it, and the process (educate)

    • Provide healthier food choices for all people (distributing/selling fresh food items)

    • Renourishment of the soil, study/learn/share how to move forward from monocrop farming

    • Start an herb garden for medicinal and healing plants

  • New ways to interact with HOUSING, home-base living spaces (affordable, easy homes)

    • Hempcrete as building material

    • Smaller houses with main larger gathering spaces

    • Sustainable communities - creating a community that supports its residents (Tellinger style)

    • How can we create new structures now, new ways to lend money to people, new ways to implement housing for people that is working, that is in reach.

  • New ways to interact with THE EARTH and the environment

    • Learn Earth’s language by listening to nature and teach it so we can communicate more deeply with each other, and the Earth

    • Ceremonies around the solstices, equinoxes, and thin-veil days to empower and remember

    • Use our new music experience, A E L E A for this

  • New ways to interact with EACH OTHER that empower us to create the world we envision

    • A E L E A (we finish recording, release songs, begin touring)

    • Group singing experiences

    • Retreats, Workshops, Community Exchanges

    • Men’s Group (Sam)

    • Mary Magdalene Group (Luci)

  • New ways to interact with OURSELVES that empower us to be the fullest light we are

    • Spirit Readings with Sam

    • Inner Radiance Coaching with Luci

    • Guided meditations, retreats

    • A E L E A experience

    • Mary Magdalene book is published and music is being created for the audio experience

    • 8 Weeks to Your Authentic Voice e-course is launched

    • Empowerment Through Addiction e-course is launched

You can follow along with what Sam and Luci are doing on their Ko-fi page: https://ko-fi.com/samandluci. I also encourage you to donate monthly to their unconditional income so that we can accelerate them even more! $2,400 is amazing, and just think of how amazing $5,000 will be! That’s what I would call a full empowerment income.  

Please get in touch with me if you are resonating with the idea of unconditional income or if you have other ideas that we can support! 

You may contact me directly at:


[email protected]

Here are some other ways that you can help:

  1. Send me your ideas! I am collecting ideas for every aspect of this project. You are brilliant, and your perspective is so much more valuable than you know. Even if you have an idea that you assume I've already thought of, I would love to celebrate it with you! It may be the tiny detail that makes this project sing.

  2. Give Luci and Sam $10 a month on their Ko-fi page! Or any other amount that feels good to you. This is definitely the most direct way to help if you can comfortably do this and feel excited about it, but it's far from the only way. Here's their Ko-fi url: https://ko-fi.com/samandluci

  3. Join our Creative Wealth Community by clicking the button at the top of this page. (It’s free - but you can contribute to my own basic income on my Ko-fi page here: https://ko-fi.com/zacharyweaver ) All perspectives are welcome, and we can use all of the discussion, brainstorming, encouragement, and energy we can get!

  4. Share this message with someone else you think would be interested, AND/OR give me a lead on someone, and I will do the reaching out.

  5. If you have no ideas, don't feel comfortable giving money for any reason, and aren't sure who to share this with, but you really want to be supportive, just let me put your name and best contact method on a list. I'll reach out to you at future stages of this project. We don't yet know all of the ways we could use help.

  6. Additionally, send me your name and contact info if you would like an unconditional income. I can’t promise anything, but if we have a huge list of people who want this, I believe it will be helpful in making the case for it. You can also send me the names of people you want to “nominate” for a basic income.

  7. Ask a question. ANY question. This simple action is incredibly expansive.

  8. Take this idea and do whatever you want with it. You will not be stepping on my toes. The success of this idea depends on the world taking it and running with it. (By the world, I guess I mean you!)

  9. Give feedback. I am doing this because I believe this is the greatest identifiable way that I personally can make a positive change in the world. If you don't want to help in any of the ways listed above, a conversation with you would be invaluable to me. I want to know your perspective and - most of all - your feelings. I want to dramatically create more life for all. I am not strictly tied to this being the way; it's just where I've arrived at through my experiences. I really want to know your thoughts and feelings, so that I can move forward with a more holistic approach.

If you don’t join us in some way now, please check back frequently as this page and this project evolves. 

There is such a beautiful world ahead of us. I know that we will achieve this together … or something even better.

About Us

True wealth is measured by the number of days that we can enjoy our preferred reality.

What level of income would allow you to live your preferred reality?
Are you currently sharing your gifts with the world in a satisfying way?
How can you experience more enjoyment in your life?

The Creative Wealth Community is a spiritual collective dedicated to cultivating our gifts and our prosperity with like-minded people who share our passion and excitement. Together, as our vibrations align, we create tremendous momentum through our common focus, accelerating individual progress.

The foundation of our community is Matthias, an expression of universal energy channeled through Zachary Weaver. Through a transformative combination of expansive perspective, loving gentleness, playful humor, and empowering advice, Matthias sets the vibrational tone for our community, introducing thought-provoking weekly guidance and daily topics to inspire personal exploration and group discussion.

In this online group, we explore…

  • Refining your definition of success
  • Optimizing your personal perspectives on wealth
  • Developing strategies for fulfilling your income goals
  • Identifying your talents and passions
  • Sharing your gifts with the world in a way that enriches your life
  • Expanding your income and overall enjoyment
  • Ongoing support for achieving and maintaining abundance and stability
  • Creating greater abundance at every level of your life

Members of our community enjoy unlimited individual sessions with Matthias to support our progress throughout, providing an opportunity to fine-tune our individual focus, shift our perspective into alignment with our goals, and co-create personal strategies for success. 

Creative Wealth Community membership includes:

  • Exclusive access to a dedicated forum for sharing ideas, inspiration, progress, challenges, and successes with other members
  • Live addresses from Matthias with follow-up Q&A, via Zoom (available on request)
  • Conscious Coworking via Zoom: connect, create, and catch up on all the things you want to make time for

  • Access to all previous video teachings and community discussion

  • Unlimited individual sessions with Matthias

  • Personal links to video recordings of all individual sessions

Please join us on our journey of abundance and enjoyment!